
Week Three gettin underway

We're off Monday, so just four more days of these two desk-based classes and I'll have my manager's servsafe certificate and we'll be on to another class.  Right now we're in two classes that run from 5:30-10:10; starting next week it'll just be one class that goes 5:30-10:52 (except for one Thursday that gets out at 10:44.  A whole 8 minute break, booyaa).  So it's about to get even more intensive. 

We'll be in a lab too.  No one's really sure if we're starting with knife cuts, or mother sauces, stocks, or what...but it'll be something ground level like that. 

The class is starting to coalesce.  Most of us are warming up to each other, swapping email addresses, learning more about our lives.  Everyone is curious to learn why we've all come to this point, why culinary school.  Skills range, experience and age range.  Right now my two closest friends are a 50-something man who's done a bit of everything in the world and a 21-year old woman fresh out of the University of Michigan, who's done some traveling, has some catering experience, and has a sarcastic sense of wit.

Actually, I don't remember it on the application but sarcasm must've been an admission requirement.  We're all pretty jaded and everyone - tiny women, old men, everyone in between - everyone swears like sailors.  I love it.  When's the last time you met three dozen diverse adults who were totally at ease with you dropping some shits and some fucks as part of your first impressions?

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