
We killed it tonight

Okay it took a few days but beef juice and I clicked tonight.  Tonight was braising night (oh yes its braising night, and the feelings right, oh yes its braising night oh what a night), we did beef short ribs and osso bucco, which is a veal shank.  Both tough cuts of meat, needing hours in a braise to gelatinize, soften, fall off the bone. 

The osso bucco paired with a risotto and was topped with a gremoulade (anchovy, lemon zest, parsley, garlic) and brunoised veggies.  My brunoise is getting good, knife cuts were rough for me at first but I'm getting the hang of it.  I did the osso bucco, and it came out quite well.  Chef found it to be tender, my sauce nappe (thick enough to coat the back of a spoon), he did say my risotto was done but not creamy enough.

The short ribs were executed by A; I cut the veggies for it and also sliced the beef thinly on the bias when complete.  She made the sauce, seared and braised the ribs, plated the dish.  Chef loved it, and gave us the first 20 (perfect score) that he has given our class to date. 

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